BB201 Beyond the Boo Boo™

Student of the Gun University
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This combination class contains learning material from both BB201 Beyond the Boo Boo™ and TC201 PFT Training Camp.

 What you will learn at the BB201 + TC201 Combo Class:

  • The 3 injuries that will kill you before the ambulance arrives.
  • How to stopgap those injuries until the pros arrive
  • Tourniquet Application and Myth Busting
  • Airway Maintenance (Nasopharyngeal Airway)
  • Pressure Dressing Application
  • How to deal with a sucking chest wound (Tension Pneumothorax)
  • Land Navigation (Map and Compass Reading)
  • Team Tactics and Patrolling 
  • Fieldcraft and Outdoor Survival
  • Communication and Signalling
  • Intro to Night Operations
  • Leadership Traits and Principles
  • Live-Fire Rifle and Handgun training
  • Professor Paul's Lagniappes
  • and much more!

The Training Camp  is a FULL Immersion training experience. We will function as teams from the beginning to the end and this is a fantastic way to build camaraderie with your fellow students.

The training course will take place over a period of 3 days (Friday to Sunday) Class begins promptly at 9 AM local time on Friday morning. Students will be dismissed at approximately 5 pm Sunday.

All training material and targets will be provided with the cost of tuition!

This is a 3 day, 30-hour course. The minimum age for participation is 14 years old.

The story below is an account of a situation Professor Paul was involved in:

“She must have tried to take the curve too fast.” the husband told the state trooper in the post-crash investigation.

A couple in their early twenties took their new motorcycles out for a ride on a sunny Sunday afternoon. Calamity struck when the young wife entered a curve on the country highway too quickly. She laid the bike down and slid into the steel guardrail. The impact with the I-beam partially severed her right leg. By the time her husband turned his bike around and got to her, she was bleeding heavily. He tried to put direct pressure on the wound with his hands and call 911 at the same time.

Tragically, the man had neither the First Aid training or gear he needed to save his wife’s life. The tear in her femoral artery caused her to bleed to death before the ambulance could arrive. 

I know of this story because it occurred in the city where I worked as a police officer. I spoke to the EMTs who arrived on scene and they agreed that she would have lived had someone at the scene understood how to stop a major bleeding injury.

You don’t have to be a Paramedic or EMT to save the life of a friend or loved one. The actions you take between the time 911 is called and the time the ambulance arrives can, indeed, be the difference between life and death.

We all realize that a firearm can be used to save our life against violent attackers, but what do you do when the fight is over and a good guy is bleeding? Good guys bleed too. Do you have the skills to stopgap a life-threatening wound while waiting for the professionals to arrive?

Successful graduates will leave with the ability to not only recognize life-threatening injuries, but stopgap those injuries and stabilize the victim until the pros arrive. Students will also take with them the gear to address those very issues.

Gear List (Make sure you have all the gear from both lists)